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Our First Pair Of Socks - Part 1

So today I thought I would look at knitting our first pair of socks. To find a sock pattern you could Google to find a free pattern for beginners or you could also check out Ravelry. Ravelry is a free community of knitters and people who crochet. It's a great resource for patterns, free and paid for. The website also has groups that have forums you can join, where you will find people that enjoy the same things you do. I can easily spend hours browsing the pattern section looking for new patterns.

So this is the pattern I've picked to knit as the first pair for a beginner sock knitter. Now you don't need to join Ravelry and download this pattern if you choose to check out Google that's fine. This pattern is just a plain pattern where you rib for the cuff and then the rest of the knitting is plain knit, a very simple pattern. What I thought I would do is go through the steps and take photo's along the way, this way you can follow along and if you are using a different pattern it should not be too hard to work out what to do. I'm also more than happy to answer any questions or do a video if it helps to show you how to go about it.

This pattern would be a woman's medium sock pattern and you knit it using 5 dpn and the first thing we need to do is our gauge. Make sure to first wash and dry your swatch before measuring and counting. Then measure 2" and divide between 2 and that will give you your 1" gauge.

Now for the cast on, it says to use the long tail cast on but if you're new and not sure how to go about it just cast on using a basic cable cast on. It`s then just a simple task to slip your 16 stitches onto their needles. It`s then just a matter of slipping the first stitch you cast on to the last needle and then taking the last stitch and slipping it onto the first needle. The most IMPORTANT step here is to make sure you do not twist the stitches. The easiest way to check this is to make sure all the bumps are on the inside of your work.

When you start off it's probably going to be a bit awkward ribbing the first few rows, be patient as it gets easier with the more rows you do. Also I find it easier to have the needles I'm ribbing with on top and the other needles below out the way. Just remember it does get easier. Also each time you come to a new needle make sure to knit those first two stitches firmly so you don't end up with a ladder. 

The pattern then says to start your ribbing and you get to chose. My personal preference is 2x2 and it says to rib for 15 rows, I like to rib for about 2 1/2 to 3". So you can see by the photo above 15 rows measures just over 1", I will probably do another 1".

The next step is to do plain knitting until you have the desired length you want, I normally knit crew socks. To work out the approx. desired length you can slip the sock on, which I have done many times but with all the needles it sometimes is a bit hard. Another way is to stand up against the wall standing up straight and taking the measurement from the top of the back of your heel. I find 6 1/2 to7" is usually about right for me, I've got little legs.

So I'm going to make my next post about doing the heel and looking at the gusset. I hope your having a great weekend.

Hope this is helpful. Need help? Contact me.

Happy Knitting

Sharyn Mathieson
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  1. Fabulous tutorial I am really up for trying this out I have never knitted a pair of socks before so the simpler the better for me I suppose it was the 4 needle thing that was worrying me ... But you make it sound not so daunting Thank you for taking the time to share... videos are always great too....So I'm off to buy some wool Have a happy week ahead... May

    1. Thanks for sharing that, I can also put up video's if it would help.

  2. i just thought of a knit plan with those bright orange socks, why don't you knit a different colour inbetween to give your eyes a break from the glare of orange? perhaps just do a few rows at a time or til you get fed up with it again; i have trouble knitting dark colours so i break it up with knitting other projects of brighter lighter colours inbetween, less eye strain.
    i am new to sock knitting & have not long finished my first pair that fit (made one & it was way too small & my first sock was a practice run with 8ply in a craftsy class) are you on the homemakers forum as well? we have some wonderful sock knitters in there too. i followed a pattern from an english women Winwick Mum who has some lovely free patterns as well.
    i will be reading here regularly to see how you go about constructing socks, am a real simpleton, the easier to understand the better (pictures are always helpful) i like what i've read so far. & like you i collect patterns lots of patterns.
    thanx for sharing

  3. Thanks for sharing your tips, I never thought to break it up a bit. I may do it for the foot as I've gone to far now to do it on the leg. Hope hubby doesn't mind missed matched socks! lol

    I'm not on the homemakers forum but I will check it out and I've not heard of Winwick Mum. Thanks for all that.


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