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So Let's Cast On - Part 1 Cable Cast On

So for today's post, I thought I would tackle the casting on for our socks. Now there are many ways to cast on but for now, I will show two. We have a basic one and then we have my favourite, which I use all the time and I basically use this cast on for all my knitting.

So I will start with the first one which is a cable cast on. This is a basic cast on and it's a good cast on for a beginner. To use this type of cast on simply make a slip knot and slip this onto your dpn.

Then you slip your needle in the slip knot and wrap your yarn around so that it goes between the needles to make our second stitch.

Then just knit that stitch to keep casting on.

So to continue on you stick your needle between the first stitch and the second and then wrap the yarn around as though to knit, you then knit the stitch onto your needle.So once you have set the first two stitches you continue on casting on until you have the correct amount of stitches.

So when I cast on for socks using dpn I cast on one needle and then transfer my stitches around until I have the correct amount of stitches on all needles. When I can I divide my stitches equally between each needle. Otherwise, I put the most stitches between two needles and I make this my instep and the other stitches become my heel stitches.

So I hope this post helps with how to cast on for socks when using a basic cable cast on. In my next post, I will show you how to cast on using The Long Tail Cast On which is my preferred method.

Hope this is helpful. Need help? Contact me.

Happy Knitting

Sharyn Mathieson
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  1. I would like to knit socks but I have a real problem making pairs of anything. I'll follow along and see what you do with your knitting. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I know lots of people suffer from second sock syndrome and I would say I'm currently suffering with this problem with my current wip. I find the only solution for me is to just get to it and do it. I'm hoping this pair will be done this weekend.


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